martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

Battle in Seattle

Hello readers! How are you today? I'm very very good, because one month ago something called "troyano" in Spanish, entered in my PC and I hve to take it to the shop to repair it and one week ago they returned it.

I have had a lot of free time because I didn't have PC
so the other day I saw a film called Battle in Seattle.Is one of the best
films I have ever seen in my life.
It's about a demonstration of thousands people in Seattle.
Policeman thinks they can arrest all demonstrators and stop them but they can't.
There are more peolpe than policeman.
It liked me because the demonstration is against a comercial plan invented by the
world presidents and kings. People against this plan make all types of boycott to the presidents meetings and things like that. And demonstrators are here boycotting till the presidents give up.

For me, this way of being it's bvery brave, staying in your position for things you want to change till someone give you the reason.I recomend this film to everyone. It's very deep...
I was crying during all the film. And talking about demonstrations what do you think about it?
I think the freedom of speech is a very good way to say what you think and feel and for the reivindication of your rights, to make your voice louder.
It's a pity that in this country you can't show what you feel. And even sometimes you can't show out the person you love. I think if everyone could show what they feel, the people would be hppier and the world culd go in a better way, without violence, respecting the rights of everyone, animal's rights, and with peace and love.
Think about it please and tell me what you think.

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